BSE in biomedical engineering

Today’s biomedical engineers develop instrumentation, materials, diagnostic and therapeutic devices, artificial organs and other equipment needed in medicine and biology and to discover new fundamental principles regarding the functioning and structure of living systems.

Biomedical engineering is the discipline of engineering that bridges the engineering, physical, life and medical sciences, helps to overcome limitations inherent in traditional engineering, and to identify, understand and solve problems in medicine, physiology and biology.

At ASU’s School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, you will push the boundaries of science and medicine to help solve some of society’s greatest challenges. We have world-class labs and top faculty engaged in research that is making a difference today. As part of an urban-serving institution, you will be participating in work that builds a strong community and improves the health of our diverse population. You will also have access to the hospitals, research institutions and industry partners that are working together on critical issues.

We offer a rigorous program with room for creativity. If you want to start a company, discover new therapies, create engineered gene networks, research brain machine interfaces, develop virtual reality based rehabilitation engines or grow new organs, then ASU’s School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering is where you can start your journey. Let us help you make your dreams a reality.

Read the catalog description for Biomedical Engineering (Biomedical Devices)
Read the catalog description for Biomedical Engineering (Biological Devices)

The Biomedical Engineering, B.S.E. program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Student enrollment and graduation data are available at

The field

Biomedical engineering is an emerging field that offers significant opportunities to improve the human condition. Biomedical engineers seek to understand, define, and solve problems in medicine, physiology and biology, including:

  • Optimizing strategies for human movement, gait analysis and anthro-robotic systems
  • Robotic devices and low-tech devices to improve physical and cognitive impairments
  • Artificial organs, cardiovascular engineering, bioseparations and biocomplexities
  • Biosensors, bioinstrumentation and bio-MEMs research diagnostics tools to monitor human health and the environment

The future

People are living longer thanks in part to significant advances in medical devices and technologies. With the aging of the baby boom generation, the need for medical procedures and innovation is expected to continue to grow. Biomedical engineering is expected to have the highest job growth of any occupation over the next decade. According to the U.S. Labor Department, employment of biomedical engineers is expected to grow by five percent from 2019 to 2029.

The opportunities

You can take your passion for technology and medicine in a number of directions. Biomedical engineers find careers in traditional fields such as human and animal medicine, biotechnology and related biology-based engineering fields. They are also medical professionals with a knowledge of computer technology, transport phenomena, biomechanics, bioelectric phenomena, operations research and cybernetics. Because this field is growing so rapidly, you can also find career opportunities in business, law or public policy, tackling domestic or global issues in human health. Whatever you do, you will be solving problems that help people. For more information about career opportunities in biomedical engineering.

Admissions requirements

The admission standards for biomedical engineering majors in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering are higher than university admission standards. Refer to the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering page on admissions requirements for freshmen, transfer students and international students.

The Fulton Undergraduate Experience

As a student in the Fulton Schools of Engineering, you can enhance your student experience by taking advantage of these valuable resources and opportunities. 60+ student organizations ranging from honors and professional associations to groups creating underwater robots, student organizations offer excellent opportunities to learn about career possibilities and network with industry professionals. Fulton Schools Student Organizations

Professional licensure

ASU academic programs are designed to prepare students to apply for applicable licensure or certification in Arizona. Completion of an ASU program may not meet education requirements for license or certification in another state.

ASU makes every effort to ensure information about educational requirements for licensure or certification information is current; however, state requirements may change. Separate from educational requirements, state licensure boards may require applicants to complete professional examinations, background checks, years of professional experience, jurisprudence exams, etc. If you are planning to pursue professional licensure or certification in a state other than Arizona, it is strongly recommended that you visit the ASU Professional Licensure website for contact information of the appropriate licensing entity to seek information and guidance regarding licensure or certification requirements.