Academic Credit for Internships
Academic Credit for Internships
BME 484 or BME 584, Internship, is a structured practical experience following a contract or plan, supervised by faculty and practitioners.
Course Mission
This course is designed to provide students with an industrial or clinical internship experience in relevant industry, health, and related sectors that; provides the intern direct exposure to real world professional activities, enhances their personal and professional skills, and increases the likelihood of professional employment opportunities. In addition, students gain experience in developing resumes, and preparing for and conducting themselves in professional interviews. Overall, students who have had internships are better equipped to enter their chosen profession. This course may be necessary for students who need practical engineering experience or access to unique industrial facilities to complete the qualifications for an advanced degree or a thesis research study. **International students may apply to use CPT if approved for this internship, provided certain criterion are met.
The following defines the requirements for the student and the internship position.
Student Requirements:
- Cumulative GPA (ASU + transfer) of 3.0
- Major GPA of 3.0
- Completed at least 21 credit hours (Undergraduate student) or 12 credit hours (Graduate student) of program-applicable BME classes
- Applied for and been hired as an intern in an eligible position
- Students must complete an SBHSE internship orientation
Credit Restrictions:
- Maximum of 3 credit hours of BME 584 toward M.S. degree requirements. Course is considered a general elective.
- Maximum of 3 credit hours can be completed per semester (for both Graduate and Undergraduate students)
- Student must be enrolled full-time, unless final or summer term
Credit Requirements:
- Directly related to biomedical engineering and require background gained through BME courses
- Provides appropriate learning experiences to enrich the overall education
- Posted and/or advertised as an internship. Ongoing or permanent positions are not eligible.
- Student must work at least 45 hours per term for each credit of coursework.
- Designated supervisor/mentor who will provide feedback on student’s progress with a mid-term and end-of-term summary report.
- Pass/Fail grade only
Application Process
The following application materials must be completed and submitted to the SBHSE Advising Center at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the session in which the internship is planned:
- SBHSE Internship Course Application Form
- Unofficial transcript
- Copy of position posting/advertisement
- Letter from employer verifying the student’s hire and agreeing to the commitment of supervising tasks and provision of feedback
If approved, an email confirmation will be sent by the SBHSE Advising Center and the student will be issued an override in order to complete registration.
Completion Process
To receive a passing grade in BME 484/584, students will attend an internship orientation, submit a midterm progress report, and write a professional three page paper that will be due the final class day of the semester. This paper should be given to the company’s internship supervisor for comments and signature before submitting to the SBHSE internship office. These items, as well as positive feedback from the supervisor, will constitute a passing grade.